Is that a really big over-sized out dated wallet in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?

Don’t be that dork with a massive wallet bulge. Get this slim profile card holder and money clip. Especially when you’re wearing those skinny jeans you love so much… or those short shorts.

The face plates have a carbon fibre effect to them, but if you hate it, there’s a handy little screw-driver in the box to remove it and replace with one you buy from someone else as we don’t have any alternatives. There’s RFID integrated, you know, for all those times people try to scan your junk.

Buy it! Love it! Tell all your friends about it.

Weight 0.15 kg



Scramble is a clothing and equipment brand founded in the UK in 2009. The brand has its roots in combat sports such as jiu jitsu, grappling and MMA, and has a strong Japanese influence.

Scramble Skabuki RFID Card Wallet

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