Check out the fresh new entry to our VT shorts collection. Popular with such fighters as Johnny Trazzletron, Burt Bumberdinckle and French Bob. Wear them in situations where you really want to be naked but society dictates that you need at least a minimal amount of junk coverage.

We put our logo right on the bit where your bum goes because that’s where it looks best on TV when you wear these whilst giving someone the good news. We also put a bit of logo on the front in case you don’t like going on telly and fighting with people for money, but still want to wear these and look cool.

Weight 0.2 kg

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Scramble is a clothing and equipment brand founded in the UK in 2009. The brand has its roots in combat sports such as jiu jitsu, grappling and MMA, and has a strong Japanese influence.

Scramble RWB VT Shorts

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